Kamis, 18 November 2010

President of American Car

Barack Obama's presidential car which has been waiting observers of the automotive world, finally premiering on inauguration day Tuesday, January 20, 2009.
It is the Cadillac One, the product of General Motors (GM) Cadillac specially designed to protect the United States number one in his official daily activities.
Limousine commonly called The Beast has a special specification like war tanks to protect the life of Obama. Although the U.S. Secret Service did not initially launch Cadillac One detail to the public for security reasons, but eventually opened to the public.

ChassisArmed with the framework of medium-sized trucks and reinforced with Kevlar and 5-inch-thick metal under the car bomb and grenade-resistant.
BodyThe combination of exterior Cadillac STS and DTS. Made of hardened steel, titanium, aluminum and painted ceramics to withstand the attack of metal piercing bullets.

DoorPlated steel, 8-inch-thick bullet-proof and has a weight equal to the door of Boeing 757 aircraft. The driver's door penetrating bullet-resistant metal (armor-piercing bullets) and can only be opened a maximum width of 3 inch for security reasons, and allows the driver to pay a toll ticket or speak with the presidential guard beside them.
DriverSpecially trained by the CIA in dealing with any critical security situation.
Driver'sStandard, but the dashboard features GPS tracking and communications centers.
Back roomCapacity of 4 people with bulletproof glass partition. Only Obama has a switch opening. Window size larger than the previous presidential car. Got a "Panic Button" if there are security problems.
Information TechnologyComputers equipped with Wi-Fi access, satellite phones that have a direct connection to the Vice President and the Pentagon.
Gas tankEquipped with a barrier layer collisions and a special foam to prevent explosion of the tank, although a direct hit and fire.
WheelReinforced with Kevlar, resistant to tear and rupture, with reinforcing steel. Allow cars to run in full speed, in any tire conditions.
LuggageHold Oxygen supply and firefighting.
Defense equipmentEquipped with a shotgun, night-vision, and tear gas cannons. There was a tube containing the blood of the President, if needed emergency blood transfusion.
FlagFlag of the United States and the Presidency there on the front fender with LED feature to highlight the flag at night.
Engines & Fuel Consumption6500cc diesel. Maximum speed of 60 miles per hour (96 km / h).Fuel consumption is about 8 miles per gallon.

Source: http://foto.terbaru2010.com/

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