Kamis, 18 November 2010

Hybrid Cars Advantages

Hybrid Cars excellence. Metadata information about hybrid car advantages. Today the world has launched a green revolution in which everything that has the potential to cause air pollution as much as possible to be changed. As in the automotive field, are now busy implementing hybrid technology in cars at the latest. Actually, what the benefits and advantages of these hybrid cars?

Hybrid car is a combination of two systems that work on a conventional car and a system that works on electric cars. Conventional cars rely on energy sources of fuel, like gasoline, diesel, or gas to move. Utilization of the internal combustion engine, energy from the combustion of fuel used and converted into motion, which can propel the car. Although in general showed a good performance with low prices, a conventional car exhaust emissions and creates high pollution and continue to spend a lot of natural resources.
While electric cars do not need anything from burning. Electricity is converted into power through electric motors, to propel the car. Although these electric-powered cars environmentally friendly, no noise and have good acceleration, he takes charge and proper infrastructure.
With incomplete infrastructure of electric cars it is still a lot of experience obstacles if it will be mass produced. This makes the electric-powered cars would be impractical.
"Car Hybrid" uses a combination of electric cars and conventional cars that use combustion in the engine, by maximizing the strengths of both of these resources in addition to co-exist shortcomings, the result is the efficiency of fuel consumption with outstanding performance can be obtained.

Source: http://www.duniabengkel.com 

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