Rabu, 24 November 2010

Know The Tools Of Traditional Gamelan Music

Let us briefly friend's Learning and Understanding various kinds of traditional musical instruments that exist in countries indonesia.Ada Various ethnic, cultural, language and beliefs that grow and develop in Indonesia. Although there are a diversity of languages, all tribes are united by the National Language, Indonesian. Each region has its music and traditions of each. And gamelan musical instruments is one of the most popular and admired by citizens internasional.Menurut that I read from various sources Gamelan divided into three types: Javanese Gamelan, Gamelan and Balinese Gamelan Sunda.Dan Each type developed in its own region.

In general Gamelan music is often used as accompaniment to the traditional arts wayang kulit, wayang and various ritul. In traditional Javanese Gamelan is also used in the ritual of "meeting manten", a ritual to bring together both the bride and groom. In Bali, Balinese gamelan is used in a variety of Balinese ritual ceremonies such as "Cutting Teeth", a ceremony that marks a child has entered adolescence. But in its development, the more widespread use of Gamelan in various arts. Gamelan is often combined with poetry and dance. In Javanese mythology, was said Gamelan menjelmah created by God who became man, Shivam Malholtra in Saka era 167. His kingdom stand on mountains Maendra, which is now known as Mount Lwu. At that time, he requires a signal to get in touch with the other gods. Then be made to Gong. For a more complex signaling message, then he needs two other gongs are kempul and siyem, which he later formed the gamelan. The word "gamelan" comes from the word "gamel" which means hitting. Then defined as a group of Gamelan music instrument that is played in an integrated way within a group.

The majority of musical instruments in the gamelan group played with beated. Some of the tools in the gamelan music that is not sounded by beated the flute, and zither Rebab. Flute sounded blown way while Rebab and plop sounded by means of quotation. Gamelan consists of many musical instruments, such as, kempul, Gong, Siyem, Bonang, Flute, Kempyang, kethuk, Kenong, Sarong, Slenthem, zither, kendhang, Rebab, Gender, Gambang. There are two systems of tuning for Gamelan Slendro and pelog. A music instrument in the group generally have 2 pieces of music so that one tool in the tuning and the other Selendro Based on pelog. In traditional belief, the gamelan is considered sacred and believed to have supernatural powers. Each instrument that is part gamelan is believed to have spirits, then seriap gamelan musicians must play barefoot because it will disturb the spirit. Gamelan music instrument is stepping things strictly prohibited. In Javanese beliefs, Gong Ageng believed to be the center of the spirit of the gamelan.

This article is made from various sources.

Source: http://www.kompas.com

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